My Last Week as a Graduate Assistant

It’s almost 11 pm on a Sunday night. I should have been in bed, asleep, half an hour ago. But here I am, typing away at my computer, trying to sort through my mountain of emotion. At least I’m under the covers. Tomorrow starts my last week as a graduate assistant at CREP. CREP has... Continue Reading →

First Day of Fall Semester

My whole summer has been about these past few days - moving back to campus and starting another semester of grad school. The move was rough. Summer decided to rear its ugly head last week after being a no-show for much of the season. We drank endless amounts of water and suddenly the ALS Ice... Continue Reading →

How the Days Fly!

First week of grad school semester #2 and I already feel behind. Where did the time go??? Where did my Christmas break go??? I had great plans of getting ahead of my reading, but my books didn't come in time to do that. *sigh*At the moment, I'm taking a few minutes to de-stress (with a... Continue Reading →

College Textbooks

My college textbooks cost an arm and a leg this semester. I negotiated keeping my firstborn so kiddo's safe. I understand folks need to make money, but c'mon people - $591 for six books, one of which is thinner than a Southern Living magazine! *grumble* They ARE books I will use in the future for... Continue Reading →

First Day of Class

It's that time again! Classes technically start today. I'm taking an online class this semester so that one starts today. My other classes don't start until next Tuesday so this weekend will be my school supply shopping weekend. New spiral notebooks, cool pens, and different colored highlighters (I don't care what research says - I... Continue Reading →

First Semester Under My Belt

Finally! After a semester of blood, sweat, tears, and a seemingly never-ending pile of reading material, I've finished my first semester of grad school with two As and a B+. I never was this insanely busy during any of the semesters of my undergrad years. Going to grad school is definitely trial by fire. BUT,... Continue Reading →

The End of the Weekend

I've spent the last two days working on a take-home exam for class. The funny thing about take-home exams - they take a lot longer to finish than one taken in the classroom, to the point where I almost wish we could have taken the exam in a classroom setting. Almost. I still haven't finished,... Continue Reading →

Where is My Fall Break?

I'm sitting at my desk at my graduate assistantship when in an alternate universe (a universe with a true fall break), I am leisurely sipping my coffee while still in my Star Wars pajama pants. I grew up without a fall break. Back in the stone ages when I was in school, we had spring... Continue Reading →

Out with Summer and in with Fall

In the small gap of time it took me to relax a bit, I realized fall has arrived. The trees are slowly changing colors, I'm seeing pumpkins and mums on people's front porches, and yes, I even decorated my office desk with Halloween paraphernalia. My days are still busy. I'm up at 5am and I'm... Continue Reading →

First Week of Grad School

Where do I begin? I'm sitting here trying to gather my thoughts into some sort of order and the first thing that pops in my head is I have to read at least 89 journal articles over the course of the semester. That's not counting research on other papers. So I think the best place... Continue Reading →

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